Wednesday, June 13, 2007

ING New York City Marathon

Well it is official I will be running this years New York City Marathon and I am hoping that all of my friends and family will be able to make the trip out to route me on. Lord knows, I am probably going to need all the hope I can get. In addition to running the marathon for myself I have decided to try and run for a cause too. I joined the Team Continuum team, which is an organization that helps cancer patients and their families by paying off any mortgage payments or basic bills that they may have fallen behind on from being out of work. Anyway as part of my deal I am trying to raise $2,500 for this great charity and would appreciate any donations that anyone can make in my name. There is no minimum and every little bit helps me towards reaching my goal. All you have to do is go their website here and go to donate now on the upper right hand corner and type in my last name, which is Maver. I would like to personally thank everyone in advance and please let everyone you know about the site and lets try to keep the donations coming in. Also as a plus the organization will e-mail you a letter regarding your donations to be used during tax time for deductions. Thanks once again and I hope to see everyone at the finish line!