Sunday, October 28, 2007

One Week to go!

As I sit here on this beautiful fall Sunday evening I can't help but wonder about how I will feel this same time next week. For those of you who are unaware next Sunday will be Marathon Sunday and my five months of training and commitmentwill be coming to a head.

I am not sure how this crazy journey started, all I now is that I have been telling Mrs Green for about ten years that i was going to run the Marathon and now it is finally here. I guess the time was never right before or I just wasn't willing to make the commitment before. Whatever the reasons were they are all past and for some reason the stars all lined up in my favor this year. maybe I needed this race to keep me sane from other stuff that was going on or maybe I needed it to do it for Nate, the bottom line is who cares why? I am ready and I am going to try to accomplish one of those thing I always said I will do before I die, but never thought I would.

As my months of training wind down the only way I can describe my mind set as complete focus. I don't ever recall being so consumed by one thing in my entire life. I don't look as this as simply as a race, I am looking at this day as a spiritual journey. To me this is not about putting one foot in front of the other or finishing time, this is all about finding out what I am made of. Some people talk about runner's high and I have always been skeptical, but after these past five months I definitely know what they are talking about. There have been times on the road when I have felt myself getting emotional for no apparent reason. While it is true there are scientific reason involving endorphins, etc. I can only explain it as pride oozing out of your system. I understand it sounds corny, but I am telling it goes deeper than science.

No one knows what is going to happen tomorrow, yet alone a week from now. Good things will happen to some bad things to others all I know is that come around 2 P.M. you can be sure that yours truly will be coming around the finish line at Tavern on the Green and all of you being there will make it that much sweeter.
As a postscript I am still trying to raise money for, so all of you who haven't made donations can so by clicking here and typing in Maver under last name. Thanks to all who have made donations and for those who haven't you better get over there now bastards. It really is a great cause. I am sure everyone will be sick of hearing about this by the end of the week, but hey too bad. Updates to follow!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Rule Changes Needed for Football!

As far as I, as well as probably about half the other people who may have had monetary interest in Saturday's Florida-Kentucky there must be a close look taken at one rule during the off season. The rule in question is wet her or not an extra point should be kicked after a Touchdown with no time remaining on the clock. Ironically the same exact thing happened during the Cincy-Jets game on Sunday afternoon. Now my understanding is that the extra point is just a continuation of the touchdown that preceded it. How else can you explain that no time is taken off the clock when an extra point is kicked? If it was it's own play wouldn't you have to run the clock?

This travesty of justice ruined what was an otherwise completely entertaining game between two top twentyfive ranked teams. Held in Kentucky's Commonwealth Stadium before a sellout crowd minus Ashley Judd unfortunately the game was like an old school boxing slug fest with the two teams going back and forth. Although Florida took an early lead Kentucky staged one of it's typical gutsy second half comebacks, which in this reporter's opinion was one of the most inspiring things I have ever seen on a ball field. OK so I am lying, never the less it was a good game, that is until the final two minutes anyway. With the Florida leading 38-31 the always greedy Urban Meyer was not happy just running out the clock, but rather had to sneak it a cheap TD with just under a minute left putting the Gators up 14. Of course I figured Kentucky would just mail it in. I was wrong underestimating this gutsy group of Wildcats as not only didn't they give up, but they marched right back down the field with a tremendous drive culminating in a touchdown as time expired. The score is now 45-37, but do they let them kick the extra point, of course not, because of this bullshit rule that does not allow the team to complete the previous play. I truly hope that both NCAA officials and NFL guys take a serious look at this obvious injustice to those teams that never say die. By the way did I mention I had Kentucky minus seven! God, I feel so violated. I hope the bookie buys this argument,but I have a bad feeling about this one.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Bud Light: Real Men of Genius - Hopeless Notre Dame Fan

Pretty Funny Notre Dame Video

The Black Hole of Sports!

There is nothing worse for a huge sports fan than October when when your baseball team has completely disappointed you by not even getting to the playoffs in my case the Mets and your football team is an absolute disgrace (Dolphins) at 0-6 with a starting quarterback named Cleo Lemon and no prospects of a win on the horizon. Meanwhile third rate cities such as Cleveland and Denver are enjoying great runs in baseball and in Cleveland's case a surprisingly decent football team. What about hockey and basketball you ask? Well I have never been into hockey or mullets and while I used to be into basketball it just isn't the same anymore. Gone are the days of Magic, Bird and Jordan replaced by sub par slam dunk contests and eight guys standing around while two guys play one on one for an hour. A good game these days consists of 25 points while shooting 10 of 25 from the floor and 5 of 12 from the free throw line. While it is true I still get into the playoff the regular season is way too long. Yep, I guess the best option these days is the ol' EPL(English Premier League) for you non soccer fans. By the way, while I am at it USF ranked number two in the BCS? What the hell has happened to college football?

Now for a quick NFL roundup for those football fans out there. The Dolphins are easily the worst team in the league, while the Jets are just happy Miami is in the league. Chad Pennington couldn't reach your front steps from the sidewalk if he was your paper boy. Meanwhile the Bengals are falling apart at the seams, ravaged by off season suspensions and a complete lack of defense while it seems the Chargers and Saints may have turned a corner yesterday and iIwould expect good things from both teams for the rest of the season. The Packers also got a huge win yesterday while a new star named Adrian Peterson emerged in Minnesota with a game of over 200 yards rushing and 3 TD's, he also happens to be on my fantasy team.

The key match up of the day was definetly the Cowboys and Pats, which was supposed to be a possible preview of the Super Bowl. While it kills me to say it no team in this league is even close to touching the Pats. It seemed as if they were almost toying with the Cowboys yesterday until they were ready to put the game away. They play terrific team defense and Bill Belichick is just an absolute genius. Who is could turn resident bad boy Randy Moss into a no nonsense hustler who never complains. I even saw him wearing a shirt and tie at the post game press conference yesterday while giving articulate and thoughtful answers. Simply insane! Still though the straw that sirs this drink is no doubt Tom Brady. The guy is almost absolutely perfect on the field. He almost never throws an interception while always seeming to make the right decision. The most impressive thing about Brady is that
somehow he manages to concentrate on football even though he has Victoria Secrets model Giselle Bundchen waiting for home. he is probably the only guy who can knock up one model and leave her while she is pregnant for a hotter model and still come out of the whole thing smelling like a rose. manning may have all the endorsements and commercials, but for money Brady still has the better deal. That's all for this sunny Monday morning, everyone have a good day

Monday, October 08, 2007

Congratulations Cleveland!

Hats off to Paul Byrd and the rest of the Cleveland Indians who won one for the little guys tonight. I don't write this post as the bitter Mets fan that I am, but rather as a fan of baseball in general and of all those little teams that no one gave a chance. Cleveland a mid-market team with a modest payroll of about 60 million has shown as all that with a little work and some toughness you can overcome any obstacles in your way even if it is the vicious two headed dragon of Alex "Mr August"Rodriguez and Derek "Double Play" Jeter.

As for Paul Byrd, who despite being the consummate professional with a more than respectable 15-8 record this past season was undeservedly put down and given absolute no chance by any local sports reporter. So what does Byrd do you ask? He goes out on the mound and turns in an absolute gem. So what if he doesn't throw over 90 mph or have a cool personality with lots of flair, all I know is the man knows how to win and win he did. thanks to Byrd and his teammates Yankee Stadium has fallen silent again in early October. Kenny Lofton has made sure that we will not have to sit through one more night of ridiculous over the top John Sterling calls or look at Shelly "Sloth" Duncan's awful mug again until at least next March.

Does Cleveland has what it takes to win the World Series? I am not sure, but what I do know is for a few nights in October of 2007 they were a better team than the Yankees. So tonight as the city that never sleeps naps and 55,000 sad souls walk out of Yankee Stadium and take their lives in their hands on those dark Bronx streets just remember that in Cleveland the streets will be flowing with probably some of the cheapest champagne you can find and Joe Torre's blood. All that is left to say is good night and make sure the guillotine is nice and sharp for tomorrow morning. It is with great joy that on this warm Monday night at 11:40 p.m. I can go to bed with happy thoughts!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

The Heroin Diaries

Hats off to one of my childhood idols Nikki Sixx of Motley Crue on a truly outstanding book called The Heroin Diaries. This book is an absolute sick read and must be picked up by anyway who was into Motley Crue like me and most of my friends. The book is exactly what the title says. Over the course of a year of journal writings which started in December of 1987 and went through December of 1988 Nikki Sixx tells his readers all about the highest of the highs and lowest of the lows associated with being one of the biggest rock stars in the world.
The idea for the book came when Nikki was cleaning out a storage bin and came across an old box with the journals and scraps of paper containing the details of what went on that year. After going through the books not even remembering that he wrote Nikki couldn't believe what he wrote. The first thing anybody asks when they read the book is, "How the hell is this guy alive?" the second thing that goes through every body's mind is, "How the hell is this guy not dead?"
The thing that is crazy about this book is that I remember we used to think that these guys had the world by the balls and all they cared about was having a good time. However after reading the book I came to learn that not only were Motley Crue pretty arrogant pricks, but Nikki Sixx was nothing more than a lonely depressed broken down heroin addict. Instead of being out at the clubs and roaming topless bars most time Sixx ended up in his closet naked with a shotgun and having cocaine induced hallucinations all the while having his veins collapse and being forced to shoot heroin into his neck and dick. I really do have to give Sixx credit though, Nikki could have went through and censored some of the stories, but instead he really let it all hang out. The other cool thing the book does and get the different perspectives from the people that Nikki talks about in the book. They range everywhere from his mother to band mates to Vanity who is now a Born-A.gain Christan.
Anyway the book is a great read and go pick it up!

Monday, October 01, 2007

Back with a Vengeance!

When life imitates art what can you do but sit back and try to remember how that problem was solved. Whether it be your favorite TV show or a bedtime story the whole point of these stories is that no matter how stupid they may be the most important thing is to try and learn a lesson from them regardless, which is where my story begins and I my life became an episode of that childhood favorite Fraggle Rock.

You see much like the Doozers in Fraggle Rock I have always thought of myself as a little hardworking guy just trying to go about my business and build my little projects and houses. This way of life seemed to be going fine for me until one day those darn Fraggle's came around and in an instant ate up all of the hard work I had done on my project just like those poor little doozers. However do not fear for me, for you very own Moe Green has stepped up and built his new castle stronger and better than ever just like those feisty little Doozers.

While it is true that life is filled with all kind of people like Doozers, Fraggles, and Gorgs, there is always a wise trash heap or Gobo's Uncle Matt that you must talk to and find out what is best for you. In the end it doesn't matter if you have all the toys in the world or just the clothes on your back what matters is you can you look in the mirror everyday and be happy with what you have done with your life.

Those of you who know me best will know what I am talking about, those who don't will probably think I have taken some good acid and completely lost my mind. Just remember it was Tyler Durdin who said, "The things you own end up owning you!" It is with this mindset that I am glad to tell everybody I am back with a vengeance!