Sunday, October 29, 2006

Sunday's Best Bets

After a hitting a nice Notre Dame Virginia reverse on Saturday, here are my picks for a pro football Sunday. I figure the best two plays are The Bengals -31/2 and a great two game tease with the Eagles and Colts. Tease the Eagles down to one and the Colts up to nine and you will thank me later. Not even K. Rove can resist this stoke of genius gambling.


Anonymous said...

crickets chirping...

Anonymous said...

HAAAA-- good thing I checked in late with that Bengals pick huh?

Dammmmm Moe.

Oh, and to the anonymous pussy who hear's crickets chirping.... it takes a while for a blog to catch fire. Relax and stop busting balls -- Punk.

who else wants to fight?