Saturday, December 16, 2006

Ashamed to be from New Jersey

Most of the people around the country have a pretty bad impression of New Jersey and usually I am the first to disagree with them. While it is true that our great state has plenty of problems such as overcrowding, traffic and guidos it also has many advantages that we take for granted. Growing up in northern New Jersey where else in the world can you be in New York City in the morning and the beach by noon the same day. We also have access to to gaming and entertainment in Atlantic city as well as some of the best talent theaters have to offer right on Broadway. Museums are never far and golf courses and ski lodges are aplenty and easily accessible. Alright enough of the New Jersey and you perfect together commercial and time to get to the point.

While making my daily miserable commute to work in Manhattan the other day I had one of these Holy Shit, I wish I was from anywhere, but New Jersey. Being stopped in traffic as usual on Route 3 in Secaucus right before the 495 Halifax , I just happened to look out my driver side window and couldn't believe the amount of crap that was on the side of the road. I understand this is New Jersey and pollution has always been a problem, which makes this even worse. I mean if you grew up in this area and you are appalled by the amount of liter on the side of the road you know it must be bad. Adding to the usual things such as cups and tires that we are used to seeing on the roadways, I was also greeted by used diapers, mattresses egg containers and I am not sure but I could have sworn I seen Vito Spadafore's fat dead carcass laying over there.

So while the Xanadu and Equinox projects are getting underway, just a few hundred yards from these high end complexes is probably the most polluted highway this side of Baghdad. That's right nothing like spending millions on a beautiful golf course and having your drive hit off the rim of a 1985 Buick. The only thing I can imagine that would be more rewarding is enjoying a nice breakfast on the balcony of your new overpriced condo and taking in not only the sights of the Manhattan skyline but also the oil and gas containers that liter your neighborhood, but hey that indoor skiing should be a hoot.

So instead of just bitching about the problems over the next forty five minutes it took me to go the remaining 4 miles to work I decided to try and come up with a solution. Of course it starts very simply by not throwing anymore shit out your window, which I already don't do and encourage all others not to, but there has to be more. Anyway I came up with a few quick ideas: We could also exercise that excellent temp agency The Orange Jumpsuit Brigade. Why let the people that can't behave themselves sit around in our local jails and do nothing but eat sleep and have access to free weights while we go to work and pay for things like gym memberships. Did you ever stop to think while we pay $50 or more to a gym every month, the same guy who stole your car gets to go for free? I say get these bozos out there and I am not talking once a week, hell lets get them out there everyday.

Along the same lines, lets get some juvenile deliquents out there to help the big boys clean up. Too often we let our young people get away with crime and vandalism with just a slap in the wrist. Besides if they do get locked up what the hell is sitting around for a year going to do for them. Let's throw them in school until noon and then it's time to hit the highway boys!

We could also use people who are unemployed. Hey, I understand that you have to look for jobs, but Saturdays and Sundays you should be free. I mean it must be nice to sit home and collect $465 a week for doing nothing, but look at it this way you are still making over $400 for two days worth of work.

I am also going to look into organizations that allow everyday people to volunteer their time and help clean up. More info to come on a later day. Sorry about the nasty tone, but this is your mind goes if you are given too much time in a car. Why do you think 90% of truck drivers are crazy?

Later! By the way please feel free to offer any suggestions you may have.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are a few roadways in our area that have ambigious ownership. Meaning some roads like 495, and the ramp up to Kennedy Blvd. from the Holland Tunnel that are neither state roads, county roads, city roads or roads owned by the Port Authority.

Sure, technically one of these governmental agencies does legally own the roadway, but they are usually reluctant to spend union labor wages to clean up the roads, let alone spend millions in bonds to improve the infrastructure. So the powers that be usually let the roads deteriorate to almost unusable conditions before they are fixed or cleaned.

This is where your idea comes into play.

If I'm not mistaken, 495 is technically in Hudson County. The Hudson County Sheriff is Joe Cassidy.

Contact info:

The Hudson County Sheriff's Office is located at:

595 Newark Avenue, Jersey City, NJ.

Your ideas are great and a letter goes a long way. If you want to do it, let me know and I'll write one too. Let's take action here.

Anybody else wanna join the Moe Green coalition for Cleaner Roadways?