Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Honoring Lindsay Lohan!

In honor of Lindsay Lohan, your man Moe Green is glad to announce that he too will be sporting an alcohol monitoring bracelet for the next week. The bracelet will be wired to a central monitoring department that will notify all local bars when my blood alcohol level either drops under.01 or is dangerously close to dropping under.01. That's right, it's not a misprint I am wearing my bracelet to make sure I can stay over .01 for an entire week. I like to think of it as a dual homage to both Ms. Lohan and the movie Speed. Much like the how the bus in the movie would explode if it went under 60 MPH I am going to act as if my body will explode it my BAC drops under the legal limit. I look forward to this tough challenge.

In a other Hollywood news the two actors playing Billy Martin's ears in the ESPN miniseries the Bronx is Burning were involved in an altercation outside of the Las Vegas nightclub Tryst with several patrons after a long night of celebrating their recent success. Although details are sketchy at this time it is believed that the two actors who were struggling until recently were demanding a certain table that high rollers were already at and one thing led to another. Calls to both actors representatives went unanswered, but as soon as any more details are released I will let you know.


Historelli said...

I can't figure out if Lindsey Lohan is still hot or not in that crackhead mugshot of hers.

Moe Green said...

She looks hot in a four am vegas streetwalker kind of way.

Anonymous said...

She has issues and its sad....she sucks!....LOL....ugh!


T. White said...

I have totally mixed feelings about this chick. First, I don't think shes that hot and in no way deserved to be Maxim's number 1 hottest girl - that was a travesty.

But the thought of her all coked up, drunk and out of control all the time is kinda hot. The mugshot even turns me on. There is something I like about a dirty out of control spoiled rich girl, ya now?

Moe Green said...

How do the actors playing Billy Martin's ears get no comments? Sometimes I guess I just crack myself up.

cd... said...

Moe, I thought the "ears" comment was funny...just didnt know what to say..LOL