Monday, August 27, 2007

Breaking Twenty!

Of course I am not referring to breaking a twenty dollar bill, but rather breaking the twenty mile mark for the first time yesterday and I must admit I am pretty damn proud of myself. Although I knew the day would come when I would have to run twenty miles if I am to complete the marathon in November, however mentally I have been dreading it for a couple weeks and doubting myself whether or not I could actually do it. Well I am pleased to announce that day came and went yesterday and I was able to complete the task it just a little over three hours.

Having mapped out the course the day before in the car with Nate and my constant companion
Wilson. I left from my house and headed down Belleville Ave and up the Belleville Pike until Kearny Ave then headed down by West Hudson Hospital, after turning around I mad my way through North Arlington, Lyndhurst and Rutherford before heading around the circle. From there I went into East Rutherford, Carlstadt and Wallington before making my way home through Clifton and Nutley. Wow, now that I look at it I must say it does look like an epic.

I was actually surprised at how it was actually more mentally tough than physically. While I will admit that the last five miles were anything but fun, it was the idea that I can't do this that loomed larger than anything. I think it was somewhere in Carlstadt for those of you familiar with the area when I was like "Holy Shit" I can actually do this and from then on once I cleared the mental hump it wasn't that bad.

If it is anything that running has taught me it is how positive thinking really is a powerful force. While I have always considered myself a realist I am now realizing that it you really put your mind to it and bury that little bit of self doubt that we all have we really can will ourselves through situations that we thought we otherwise impossible. I don't mean to sound like am preaching here, but this training regiment has really been a mental breakthrough for me. While in the past I have always kind of just floated around and went where life has taken me I now realize that we take so many things for granted and we really should try to make the most of everyday and thrust ourselves into life. I think the reason for this is the many hours I have spent on the road with only my thoughts to keep me occupied over the last few months. The mind is a powerful thing and I find myself thinking of everything from what my son will be like when he gets older to thoughts of my father and I how much I miss him and how quickly the time went by when he was here and how much quicker the time goes by that he is not here.

I have always been against organized religion, but I am starting to feel that while it may sound kind of hokey this quest has kind of opened me up to my spiritual side. Ultramarthoner James Bonnett once said "You find yourself out there." while referring to the Western States Endurance Run and I think I am really starting to understand what he means. Make sure you watch the video E50 under Dean.

Wow, I just realized this blog just took a serious turn, but hey that's how I am feeling this morning, it must be the endorphins or runner's high. I have two more runs of twenty miles before the Marathon, but I must say after yesterday I feel more confident than ever that I will complete this goal. Happy Monday to all or at least to me since I am on another two weeks of vacation. Unions, America at their best! That one's for you big Tim!


Historelli said...

I definitely believe in runner's high. I remember when i ran track in high school we used to run many many laps... and throughout the whole practice i would think to myself... Oh god...why am i doing this, oh jesus and baby jesus this sucks!! Oh god..When will it end When will it end... I can't go anymore, no more no more no more..Why...oh why.

but then afterwards, i would think hey that was pretty cool that i did a gizzilion laps today.

cd... said...

Wow! Thats really great! I wish I had the stamina to run that far.

P.S. I love the baby pic! Soooo Cute!!