As for Paul Byrd, who despite being the consummate professional with a more than respectable 15-8 record this past season was undeservedly put down and given absolute no chance by any local sports reporter. So what does Byrd do you ask? He goes out on the mound and turns in an absolute gem. So what if he doesn't throw over 90 mph or have a cool personality with lots of flair, all I know is the man knows how to win and win he did. thanks to Byrd and his teammates Yankee Stadium has fallen silent again in early October. Kenny Lofton has made sure that we will not have to sit through one more night of ridiculous over the top John Sterling calls or look at Shelly "Sloth" Duncan's awful mug again until at least next March.
Does Cleveland has what it takes to win the World Series? I am not sure, but what I do know is for a few nights in October of 2007 they were a better team than the Yankees. So tonight as the city that never sleeps naps and 55,000 sad souls walk out of Yankee Stadium and take their lives in their hands on those dark Bronx streets just remember that in Cleveland the streets will be flowing with probably some of the cheapest champagne you can find and Joe Torre's blood. All that is left to say is good night and make sure the guillotine is nice and sharp for tomorrow morning. It is with great joy that on this warm Monday night at 11:40 p.m. I can go to bed with happy thoughts!
"I don't write this post as the bitter Mets fan that I am"
You totally write this as a bitter mets fan and i ask you this question just as a i ask the members of the drunken cankerous Red Nation nation.
Do you spend more time rooting for your own team or just rooting against the Yankees.
definitely more for my team,but I do love when the yankees lose !!!
Ok so I am a bitter fan, however i definetly spend more time rooting for the Mets than against the Yanks. In my defense if you had taking the beaten I took from Yankee fans the past week you would be all over them too. On a side note in all honesty I must say Torre handled himself with nothing but class last night at the press conference. He has always taken the high road and I give alot of credit.
Wow- those were some kindly words about Torre from a worthless Mets fan terd like yourself.
Do yourself a favor and save your cheap shots thinly veiled as sports commentary for your fellow degenerate Mets fans who don't know any better. You are a shill of a man, a hack of a blogger and a black plague on the town that I grew up in.
PS. I think I'm dealing with this Yankee loss a lot better today then I did yesterday. I'm much more calm and reserved and I'm really starting to put things in perspective. Let's grab a drink this week, I'll see you later.
You're trying to tell me PeeWee Herman wasn't funny? Come on who else would have thought of that? By the way i really do think Torre handled himself well.
Hey Moe Green why don't you and Joe Torre get married!
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