I am not sure how this crazy journey started, all I now is that I have been telling Mrs Green for about ten years that i was going to run the Marathon and now it is finally here. I guess the time was never right before or I just wasn't willing to make the commitment before. Whatever the reasons were they are all past and for some reason the stars all lined up in my favor this year. maybe I needed this race to keep me sane from other stuff that was going on or maybe I needed it to do it for Nate, the bottom line is who cares why? I am ready and I am going to try to accomplish one of those thing I always said I will do before I die, but never thought I would.
As my months of training wind down the only way I can describe my mind set as complete focus. I don't ever recall being so consumed by one thing in my entire life. I don't look as this as simply as a race, I am looking at this day as a spiritual journey. To me this is not about putting one foot in front of the other or finishing time, this is all about finding out what I am made of. Some people talk about runner's high and I have always been skeptical, but after these past five months I definitely know what they are talking about. There have been times on the road when I have felt myself getting emotional for no apparent reason. While it is true there are scientific reason involving endorphins, etc. I can only explain it as pride oozing out of your system. I understand it sounds corny, but I am telling it goes deeper than science.
No one knows what is going to happen tomorrow, yet alone a week from now. Good things will happen to some bad things to others all I know is that come around 2 P.M. you can be sure that yours truly will be coming around the finish line at Tavern on the Green and all of you being there will make it that much sweeter.